We believe that trust starts with transparency. Trust ProProfs is an endeavor to provide real-time performance as well as historic data on our system performance and uptime.
We take our responsibility of providing high-quality service very seriously and provide a never-before transparency into our system performance - a unique & perhaps the only of its kind in our industry.
You can easily check our system performance in real-time as well as view the historic information consisting of full monthly performance reports.
The safety and security of our customer's data is critical for us. We run high-end servers protected by advanced security software, striving for full data backup for our customers.
With ProProfs, there are multiple layers of data security in place, first is the WAF (Web Application Firewall), which provides web security against external exploits and attacks. Behind this firewall is our network of dedicated servers that are securely hosted with AWS and IBM.
With ProProfs, you get access control over your data, with security options such as password protection, granting or revoking user access, and a lot more for protecting your quizzes, surveys and courses.
Our reports are exportable and downloadable to CSV and Excel files, so you can also export your data to other systems such as LMS, CRM, HRIS, etc.
ProProfs is trusted by more than 4 million people who use our tools for business, educational, and personal needs. The site hosts more than 1,000,000 pages of content in 70+ languages and is home to the world's largest library of professional tests & quizzes. We support more than 10 million learners and 10 million quiz takers, and we have more than 100,000 quizzes and tests on our platform. Some of the delighted ProProfs customers include Acer, Adobe, Sony, Dell, Cisco, Accenture, and more.
We are building a 100-year company with a mission to DELIGHT customers. People think we’re crazy to offer phone, chat, and email support. We still do it. When it comes to awesome support & building delightful software, we go the distance - try it, and you will love it.