Savannah plans to conduct a study that involves cosmetics. She wanted to know the preference of cosmetic use among adolescents, young adult, middle adult and the late adult women. The research design of her study would be:
Correct Answer
A. Descriptive
This is definitely descriptive by design since Savannah would most likely be conducting a survey where results upon which would require statistics such as frequency and percentages. This type of research design would want to gain more information pertinent to the phenomenon understudy. The information is presented via quantitative means
Freya wanted to know the relationship between the level of anxiety experienced during examinations and the exam performance among the level 2 student nurses of Colegio San Agustin Bacolod. The type of research design utilized is:
Correct Answer
C. Correlational
When trying to realize whether a relationship or association exists between two or more variables expressed quantitatively, the research design most suited is correlational. In the example there are two variables that are expressed quantitatively, specifically, level of anxiety and performance in examination.
Alfred randomly grouped the participants into two and tested the effects of his new product towards their endurance. His study uses this type of research design:
Correct Answer
C. Experimental
Researches which aim to realize a cause and effect relationship and are prospective in nature would usually be experimental by design. Moreover, an experimental research design can be deemed as true experimental if it possess elements such as randomization, control group, manipulated group and validity. If not, it is known to be quasi - experimental.
In an event that the researcher wanted to know more about the cause and effect relationship however the cause already exists and cannot be manipulated, the type of research design appropriate for this is:
Correct Answer
D. Casual-comparative
Researches dedicated in knowing the cause and effect relationship between variables, however, deals with variables measured / have occurred in the past bears a causal - comparative design. Simply said, a causal - comparative design is retrospective.
This is another type of quantitative research design wherein the researcher wanted to know about the cause and effect relationship between variables, where the cause is being manipulated and respondents are chosen by choice not by chance.
Correct Answer
B. Quasi-experimental
As explained in one of the rationale for a question earlier, researches which aim to realize a cause and effect relationship, prospective by nature but lacks one of the four elements required for a true experimental design are categorized as quasi - experimental.
Tiara wanted to conduct a research that will delve into knowing the effects of post traumatic stress disorder towards the academic performance of teenagers during the first grading of academic year 2012-2013. The type of research design most suited towards her study would be:
Correct Answer
A. Causal-comparative
Retrospective researches, trying to see the cause and effect relationship between two or more variables, usually have a causal - comparative research design. Moreover, it can also be noted that variables in this research design can not be manipulated
Vincent conducts a study that will further get to know the frequency of scrub cases between the north and south affiliated hospitals of their school. What’s the type of research design to be used in his study?
Correct Answer
A. Descriptive
Drawing out more meaning from collected data via quantitative means would usually have a descriptive research design
Members of the health team introduce a new admission system and wishes to study the efficiency of its implementation as compared to the previous admission system which is still being practiced in other departments. In this study, it is not feasible to conduct randomization. What type of research design is used?
Correct Answer
C. Quasi-experimental
Prospective researches exploring cause and effect relationships that do not meet the four elements of a true experimental research design are known as quasi - experimental
Which of the following researches would be considered as prospective?
Correct Answer
D. The effects of memory enhancers towards the academic performance of students
Prospective research designs work on variables that are to be measured in the near future
A quantitative research paper is entitled as “Nursing Model of Care Utilized by Selected Hospitals and its Association with the Performance of Nurses in their Area of Assignment”. What is the research design of this study?
Correct Answer
B. Correlational
Research studies that aim to realize whether a relationship exists between two variables measure quantitatively are known to have correlational research designs