The definition of a relationship gets changed with every person in your life. Do you wish to know what type of relationship you have with your partner? Take this quiz to find out how you are connected with your partner. It can be guessed by how you talk or address your partner. Start this quiz, pick your suitable option, and we will tell you the type of relationship you both share. You can also share the quiz with others who wish to know their relationship type.
My family
My friends
Everyone is equal to me.
My partner
Since childhood
Since my school
Since we were teenagers
Since I understood what love is
In social gatherings
While hanging out with friends
In family get-togethers
For dinner dates
Real name
Funny name
Cheesy name (Baby/Honey/Love)
Some healthy food
Junk food
No food! Only drinks!
Partner's favorite
Family friends
Best friends
Social friends
In a relationship
Giving them respect
Caring for them
Being formal and behave mannerly
Holding hands while walking
Polite hug
Bear hug
Side hug
Heart-to-heart hug
Anyone in the social group
With my partner
Going out with my family and my partner
Chilling with my friends, hanging around
Going for some social groups
Going for a beach
Here's an interesting quiz for you.