
Environment Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Play these informative environment trivia quizzes to see what and how well you know the environment around us. The environment can be summed up as the effects of all living and non-living things that have an impact on human life. The environment has been going through many changes over the years, and the impact of climate change has been visible to all. The first victim of global warming and climate change is the environment. Anthropogenic activities have played a huge role in the degradation of the environment.

These quizzes aim to provide you with holistic information about the environment and the change occurring. So if you want to raise your awareness about the environment and how we can ameliorate the rate of degradation, you have come to the right place.

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Think you are a whiz when it comes to green trivia? Would you like to prove your knowledge. This quiz can be of great assistance. Check out our online quiz and find out how much you know about the environment and its problems,...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 29338   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Which country currently emits the most greenhouse gases?
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Questions: 43  |  Attempts: 4306   |  Last updated: Nov 7, 2023
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    Which statement describes an activity of a decomposer? 
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Do you know how to protect the environment? Are you aware of the measures being taken for the environment? Take this environmental awareness trivia quiz and see what you know about it. This quiz will be a great help for you as...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 5410   |  Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
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    "World Environmental Day" and "World Water Day" are observed on?
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Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an environmental decision support tool, which provides information on the likely impacts of development projects to those who make the decision as to whether the project should be...

Questions: 37  |  Attempts: 12576   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    The review of the EIS by EMB shall be guided by the following general criteria except:
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Plastic pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems we faced today. It impacts the environment, including oceans and land, while injuring marine life and our health and wellbeing. World Environment Day is...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1122   |  Last updated: Jun 6, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What happens to plastic waste?
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Many college and high school students, boy scouts, general audiences of adults, forest industry employees, and even community and legislative leaders have taken the quiz already. So what is your environmental IQ? Take the quiz...

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 8144   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    The population of the world in 1950 was about 2.6 billion. The world population is currently about:
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Our environment is made up of all living and non-living things around us. We have a lot to contribute to the environment and it to us. These days there are a lot of contaminants destroying our environment. Below is a quiz to test...

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 5232   |  Last updated: Sep 12, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which of the following countries has the fastest growing pollution problem?
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